Adventure Log

How Many F-Bombs Can I do in 15 Minutes? National Women’s Association Talk 2023

In July 2021 I was honored to host the She Sailor Sea Story with the topic WIND. In November 2023, I was asked by Debbie Huntsman if I would speak on the topic of Ship's Log. She had no idea I am very invested in my ships log already and was happy to show some… Continue reading How Many F-Bombs Can I do in 15 Minutes? National Women’s Association Talk 2023

Adventure Log

Sucia Number 2: Shit Gets Real

For this trip, it's going to be a two part adventure because besides our usual fun, we encounter a real life medical emergency that will leave you with suspense. You will learn super extra critically important wilderness first aide and safety at sea tactics. Keep your expectations low folks...this is some Skipper Jenn shenanigan shit. In our 2020 Sucia video, we took you through Admiralty Inlet and the Strait of Juan de Fuca to the islands. This year we take the inside passage through the Swinomish Channel and La Connor this time giving some history and background. Let us know what you think. Enjoy!!